CES isn’t just for showcasing the next television or projector. Companies also share some of the newest technology they’ve been working on to present to you. Whether you’ll use them or know anyone who will is a different story, but they’ll be available eventually.
There has been a lot of coverage about the cars that were presented, so I’m not going to talk about those. I’ll share some of the things you might have missed that are on the more unconventional side for consumers.

Looking to have your urine tested every time you use the toilet? Well, Withings has created that for you. Withings has smart scales, watches, and other health-focused technology and products, so it’s not quite strange that they would release something like this. Once you’ve submitted your sample, then it’ll upload to your phone through the Health Mate app. It’s going through an FDA approval process so more information will be available later.
In-Sole Technology

Do you or someone you know wear uncomfortable heels? Gait-Tech has solved the problem (supposedly). They’ve created a device that integrates into the insole of a heel during the production stage. The device redistributes pressure on the ground, cushioning the impact, and making heels more comfortable! I’m curious to see if any high-end companies will accept this device to add to their shoes.

Ugh, walking. Am I Right? Well, Rollkers are for you. They’re not quite rollerskates, but you’re not quite walking either. This isn’t exactly a new design, but they are upgraded with the latest technology. The sensors detect your walking speed, activate the motors, and double your walking speed (up to 7 MPH). They only roll when you’re walking. Like regular skates, mostly. They have about a 30-minute use per charge. Be on the lookout for these when they find a manufacturer. Once they’re available I’m sure they’ll be popular in those “walking cities” (NYC).

Want to carry your crystals around in an elegant way? Nowatch is for you. There isn’t a face and you can’t tell time, but it tracks you and your health while you’re wearing it. It can estimate your stress level and send subtle vibrations to let you know you need to calm down or become aware of your stressors. It’ll track your heart rate, breaths per minute, steps, and more. You can deck out the face with your favorite crystal, too. Would you be interested in a not-watch watch?

Ever wish you could smell videos? Well, now you can. You add a YouTube video link to their player, then create a scent timeline — set the perfect scent, timing, and duration. Why? Well, why not? You can also share them with friends when you’re done!
Skyted Mask

Do you have a significant other or a sibling that SHOUTS when playing video games? Are you trying to talk on the phone out in public but want some privacy? Well, enter the Bane-Mask, actually known as the Skyted Mask. It’s a mask that masks your voice completely. You will not be heard with this on. A gift to consider for those loud people in your life.
3D Laptop

ASUS has created a laptop that doesn’t need 3D glasses to view anything in 3D. It uses eye-tracking and a lenticular lens to deliver two separate images to your eyes so you can view 3d models and movies as you would if you were wearing the glasses!
Pet Buttons

Are you on TikTok? Then you’ve probably seen Bunny the Dog using her buttons to talk to her mom about everything. You might’ve also seen other animals doing it as well. FluentPet has created buttons to send texts to your phone. They’ll push a button, even when you’re not around, and it’ll tell you what was said. I, personally, think it’s all pretty neat. I have a Pug I want to get buttons for so he can talk to me! What do you think?
Not everything seems practical but I’m sure there are people who would use something on this list. What about you? Do you see yourself going out to purchase these products?